TECNALIA Publications

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Recent Submissions

Evaluation of the Specific Capacitance of High-Entropy Oxide-Based Electrode Materials in View of Their Use for Water Desalination via Capacitive Method
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-01-04) Triolo, Claudia; Santangelo, Saveria; Petrovičovà, Beatrix; Musolino, Maria Grazia; Rincón, Inés; Atxirika, Ainhoa; Gil, Silvia; Belaustegui, Yolanda
Water pollution and scarcity are serious concerns for the growing world population. To meet the ever-pressing demand of fresh water, a variety of desalting techniques of seawater have been developed. Due to its environmental friendliness, high efficiency, easy regeneration of the electrodes, ambient operating pressure, and low operating potential suitable for the use in remote areas, the capacitive deionization (CDI) method is one of the most sustainable among them. This work focuses on the preparation of high-entropy oxides (HEOs) and carbon/HEO composites and the evaluation of their specific capacitance in view of their possible use as CDI electrode materials. CrMnFeCoNi-HEO, having spinel structure (sHEO), is obtained in the form of nanoparticles (NPs) and nanofibers (NFs) by the sol–gel method and electrospinning, respectively. Composite NFs with embedded sHEO NPs or MgCoNiCuZn-HEO NPs with rock-salt structure (rHEO) are also produced. In the 5–100 mV s−1 scan rate range, the specific capacitance improves in the order C/rHEO NFs (8–32 F g−1) ≅ sHEO NPs (9–32 F g−1) < sHEO NFs (8–43 F g−1) < C/sHEO NFs (12–66 F g−1). The highest capacitance is obtained when the beneficial contributions of the carbon matrix and smaller-sized HEO NPs are synergistically coupled.
Novel Assessment Methodology for Laser Metal Deposition of New Metallic Alloys
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-01-09) Cearsolo, Xabier; Arrue, Mario; Gabilondo, Maitane; Sanchez, Jon Mikel; Galarraga, Haize; Garcia de Cortazar, Maider; Girot Mata, Franck
Metal additive manufacturing technologies are gaining great interest. However, the existing metallic alloys are generally formulated for conventional manufacturing processes. Thus, it is necessary to adapt their chemical composition or develop new alloys for the manufacturing conditions of additive manufacturing processes. The main method for manufacturing metal powder is gas atomization, but it is very expensive with long manufacturing times. Therefore, it is necessary to develop alloy validation methods that simplify the development process of new alloys. This paper deals with a methodology based on thermodynamic heat transfer equations, simulation, and powderless tests. This novel methodology enabled the determination of the optimal conditions for the laser melting deposition process of the commercial AA7075 alloy with a reduced number of experimental tests with powder, reducing the difficulties inherent to powder processing. The developed process was divided into two stages. In the first stage, the heating of the substrate was studied. In the second stage, the depositions of single tracks were validated with the parameters extrapolated from the previous stage. Hence, it was possible to manufacture single tracks free of cracks with an adequate aspect ratio.
The Importance of Implementing Cyber Physical Systems to Acquire Real-Time Data and Indicators
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2021-05-21) Morella, Paula; Lambán, María Pilar; Royo, Jesús Antonio; Sánchez, Juan Carlos
Among the new trends in technology that have emerged through the Industry 4.0, Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) are crucial for the real-time data acquisition. This data acquisition, together with its transformation in valuable information, are indispensable for the development of real-time indicators. Moreover, real-time indicators provide companies with a competitive advantage over the competition since they enhance the calculus and speed up the decision-making and failure detection. Our research highlights the advantages of real-time data acquisition for supply chains, developing indicators that would be impossible to achieve with traditional systems, improving the accuracy of the existing ones and enhancing the real-time decision-making. Moreover, it brings out the importance of integrating technologies 4.0 in industry, in this case, CPS and IoT, and establishes the main points for a future research agenda of this topic.
Kinetic model for Pd-based membranes coking/deactivation in propane dehydrogenation processes
(Elsevier B.V., 2023-01-15) Brencio, Camilla; Gough, Robin; de Leeuw den Bouter, Anouk; Arratibel, Alba; Di Felice, Luca; Gallucci, Fausto
This work aims at providing insight into the deactivation mechanism of Pd-based membranes in propane dehydrogenation processes. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) experiments were conducted to study the adsorption and coking of propylene over conventional thin layer (TL) and double-skinned (DS) Pd-based membranes under several operating conditions. A mechanistic monolayer-multilayer coke growth model was selected to mathematically describe the membrane coking observed during TGA experiments. In addition, the reaction rate of coke formation and its influence on membranes deactivation has been studied. The deactivation model able to describe the hydrogen flux decay over time suggests that monolayer coke is the main responsible for the membrane deactivation. Multilayer coke also causes deactivation but with a smaller order than monolayer coke, for both the TL and the DS membranes. Among the two membrane types, DS membrane deactivates faster, i.e. with a higher order than the TL membrane, which is equal to 1.55 for the former and 0.51 for the latter. This is related to the higher number of active sites available in the controlling step of the deactivation reaction, which are most probably given by the addition of the ceramic Al2O3 protective layer. XPS spectra further confirms that, in the presence of Pd, Al2O3 sites contribute to carbon formation by evidencing a different nature of carbon formed on the two membranes. Finally, the experimental results of hydrogen permeation over time conducted on different membranes types and operative conditions confirmed the validity of the derived and parametrized kinetic models for coke formation and membrane deactivation. The experimental findings and the kinetic model derived in this work provide essential tools for the design and optimization of membrane reactors for dehydrogenation processes.
Implementable hybrid quantum ant colony optimization algorithm
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-06-17) de Andoin, M. Garcia; Echanobe, J.
We propose a new hybrid quantum algorithm based on the classical Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to produce approximate solutions for NP-hard problems, in particular optimization problems. First, we discuss some previously proposed Quantum Ant Colony Optimization algorithms, and based on them, we develop an improved algorithm that can be truly implemented on near-term quantum computers. Our iterative algorithm codifies only the information about the pheromones and the exploration parameter in the quantum state, while subrogating the calculation of the numerical result to a classical computer. A new guided exploration strategy is used in order to take advantage of the quantum computation power and generate new possible solutions as a superposition of states. This approach is specially useful to solve constrained optimization problems, where we can implement efficiently the exploration of new paths without having to check the correspondence of a path to a solution before the measurement of the state. As an example of a NP-hard problem, we choose to solve the Quadratic Assignment Problem. The benchmarks made by simulating the noiseless quantum circuit and the experiments made on IBM quantum computers show the validity of the algorithm
Stimulation of synaptic activity promotes TFEB-mediated clearance of pathological MAPT/Tau in cellular and mouse models of tauopathies
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022) Akwa, Yvette; Di Malta, Chiara; Zallo, Fátima; Gondard, Elise; Lunati, Adele; Diaz-de-Grenu, Lara Z.; Zampelli, Angela; Boiret, Anne; Santamaria, Sara; Martinez-Preciado, Maialen; Cortese, Katia; Kordower, Jeffrey H.; Matute, Carlos; Lozano, Andres M.; Capetillo-Zarate, Estibaliz; Vaccari, Thomas; Settembre, Carmine; Baulieu, Etienne E.; Tampellini, Davide
Synapses represent an important target of Alzheimer disease (AD), and alterations of their excitability are among the earliest changes associated with AD development. Synaptic activation has been shown to be protective in models of AD, and deep brain stimulation (DBS), a surgical strategy that modulates neuronal activity to treat neurological and psychiatric disorders, produced positive effects in AD patients. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the protective role(s) of brain stimulation are still elusive. We have previously demonstrated that induction of synaptic activity exerts protection in mouse models of AD and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) by enhancing the macroautophagy/autophagy flux and lysosomal degradation of pathological MAPT/Tau. We now provide evidence that TFEB (transcription factor EB), a master regulator of lysosomal biogenesis and autophagy, is a key mediator of this cellular response. In cultured primary neurons from FTD-transgenic mice, synaptic stimulation inhibits MTORC1 signaling, thus promoting nuclear translocation of TFEB, which, in turn, induces clearance of MAPT/Tau oligomers. Conversely, synaptic activation fails to promote clearance of toxic MAPT/Tau in neurons expressing constitutively active RRAG GTPases, which sequester TFEB in the cytosol, or upon TFEB depletion. Activation of TFEB is also confirmed in vivo in DBS-stimulated AD mice. We also demonstrate that DBS reduces pathological MAPT/Tau and promotes neuroprotection in Parkinson disease patients with tauopathy. Altogether our findings indicate that stimulation of synaptic activity promotes TFEB-mediated clearance of pathological MAPT/Tau. This mechanism, underlying the protective effect of DBS, provides encouraging support for the use of synaptic stimulation as a therapeutic treatment against tauopathies.
TSO-DSO-Customer coordination for purchasing flexibility system services: Challenges and lessons learned from a demonstration in Sweden
(IEEE, 2022) Ruwaida, Yvonne; Chaves-Avila, Jose Pablo; Etherden, Nicholas; Gomez-Arriola, Ines; Gurses-Tran, Gonca; Kessels, Kris; Madina, Carlos; Sanjab, Anibal; Santos-Mugica, Maider; Trakas, Dimitris N.; Troncia, Matteo
This paper presents a real-word implementation of a TSO-DSO-customer coordination framework for the use of flexibility to support system operation. First, we describe the general requirements for TSO-DSO-customer coordination, including potential coordination schemes, actors and roles and the required architecture. Then, we particularise those general requirements for a real-world demonstration in Sweden, aiming to avoid congestions in the grid during the high-demand winter season. In the light of current congestion management rules and existing markets in Sweden, we describe an integration path to newly defined flexibility markets in support of new tools that we developed for this application. The results show that the use of flexibility can reduce the congestion costs while enhancing the secure operation of the system. Additionally, we discuss challenges and lessons learned from the demonstration, including the importance of the engagement between stakeholders, the role of availability remuneration, and the paramount importance of defining appropriate technical requirements and market timings.
Mikrobioak eta gainazalak: arazoa eta konponbidea?
(Elhuyar, 2022-07) Braceras, Iñigo; Imaz, Naroa
COVID-19a dela medio, eguneroko albiste bihurtu zaizkigu gaixotasun infekziosoak. Dena den, gaixotasun horiekiko kezka aurretikoa da, mikrobioak antibiotikoekiko erresistentzia garatzen ari baitira etengabe. Hori dela eta, etorkizunerako beste estrategia batzuk ikertzen ari dira. Horien artean, jakinekoa da gainazalek garrantzi handia dutela hainbat mikrobioren hedapenean . Beraz, mikrobioei aurre egiteko gainazal aproposak bagenitu inguru desberdinetarako, arazoa mugatzeko bidean geundeke. Helburu horrekin, Tecnaliak eta Cidetec Surface Engineeringek arlo horretan teknologia ezberdinak ikertzen eta ahalbide berriak garatzen dihardute.
Robotic Innovations in Support of the Healthcare Workers Against COVID-19 - DIH-HERO Perspective
(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2022-04-23) Jovanovic, Kosta; Schwier, Andrea; Matheson, Eloise; Xiloyannis, Michele; Rodijk-Rozeboom, Esther; Hochhausen, Nadine; Vermeulen, Brecht; Graf, Birgit; Wolf, Peter; Nawrat, Zbigniew; Escuder, Jordi; Mechelinck, Mare; Sørensen, Birgitte; Boscolo, Paola Roberta; Obach, Michael; Tognarelli, Selene; Jankovic, Milica; Leroux, Christophe; Ferrigno, Giancarlo; Siepel, Françoise; Stramigioli, Stefano
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected the conditions of work in healthcare institutions and the quality of patient care around the world. Emerging healthcare robotic technology may facilitate and improve the overall quality of life, as well as the diagnostics, rehabilitation, and intervention services. This paper reports the lessons learned from actions carried out in the implementation of the DIH-HERO project call across Europe for robotic solutions that support healthcare activities. Conclusion remarks are as follows: i) technology pull and the urgent need together accelerate the innovation development and deployment, ii) it takes time to establish safety and legal regulations for the deployment of human-machine devices, so the ethical, safety, and reliability aspects of robotic application need to be carefully considered, iii) technology adoption depends on the trust of the users to the technology, iv) existing robotic technology for prevention, diagnosis, hospital admission, rehabilitation, and intervention is mature enough for the adaptation and deployment, v) unskilled general population should be trained for the usage of robotic technology.
Novel Pixelwise Co-Registered Hematoxylin-Eosin and Multiphoton Microscopy Image Dataset for Human Colon Lesion Diagnosis
(Wolters Kluwer Health, 2022) Picon, Artzai; Terradillos, Elena; Sánchez-Peralta, Luisa F.; Mattana, Sara; Cicchi, Riccardo; Blover, Benjamin J.; Arbide, Nagore; Velasco, Jacques; Etzezarraga, Mª Carmen; Pavone, Francesco S.; Garrote, Estibaliz; Saratxaga, Cristina L.
Colorectal cancer presents one of the most elevated incidences of cancer worldwide. Colonoscopy relies on histopathology analysis of hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) images of the removed tissue. Novel techniques such as multi-photon microscopy (MPM) show promising results for performing real-time optical biopsies. However, clinicians are not used to this imaging modality and correlation between MPM and H&E information is not clear. The objective of this paper is to describe and make publicly available an extensive dataset of fully co-registered H&E and MPM images that allows the research community to analyze the relationship between MPM and H&E histopathological images and the effect of the semantic gap that prevents clinicians from correctly diagnosing MPM images. The dataset provides a fully scanned tissue images at 10x optical resolution (0.5 µm/px) from 50 samples of lesions obtained by colonoscopies and colectomies. Diagnostics capabilities of TPF and H&E images were compared. Additionally, TPF tiles were virtually stained into H&E images by means of a deep-learning model. A panel of 5 expert pathologists evaluated the different modalities into three classes (healthy, adenoma/hyperplastic, and adenocarcinoma). Results showed that the performance of the pathologists over MPM images was 65% of the H&E performance while the virtual staining method achieved 90%. MPM imaging can provide appropriate information for diagnosing colorectal cancer without the need for H&E staining. However, the existing semantic gap among modalities needs to be corrected.