Some investigations into the optimal dimensional synthesis of parallel robots

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In this paper, we will perform a comparison between two approaches of dimensional synthesis of parallel robots. The first one concerns the single-objective optimization approach; in this case, the dimensional synthesis is expressed by taking into account only one performance criterion but enables to get a final solution if it exists. The second one concerns the multi-objective optimization approach; it enables to simultaneously take into account several performance criteria. However, this approach appears to provide a set of solutions instead of a single expected final solution which should directly enable to carry out the structural synthesis. In fact, the search of a single final solution is postponed to a further step where the designers have to impose and/or restrict certain parameters. And we will establish if it is really necessary to make a multi-objective optimization approach or if a single-objective is sufficient to reach the objectives set in the specifications (user requirements). A discussion is proposed concerning the arising questions related to each approach and leading to the optimal dimensional synthesis. The PAR2 robot with two degree-of-freedom is used to exemplify the analysis and the comparison of the two approaches. The proposed comparison can be applied to any classes of parallel robots.
Publisher Copyright: © 2015, Springer-Verlag London.
Kelaiaia , R , Zaatri , A , Company , O & Chikh , L 2016 , ' Some investigations into the optimal dimensional synthesis of parallel robots ' , International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , vol. 83 , no. 9-12 , pp. 1525-1538 .