Safe adaptation for reliable and energy-efficient E/E architectures

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The upcoming changing mobility paradigms request more and more services and features to be included in future cars. Electric mobility and highly automated driving lead to new requirements and demands on vehicle information and communication (ICT) architectures. For example, in the case of highly-automated driving, future drivers no longer need to monitor and control the vehicle all the time. This calls for new fault-tolerant approaches of automotive E/E architectures. In addition, the electrification of vehicles requires a flexible underlying E/E architecture which facilitates enhanced energy management. Within the EU-funded SafeAdapt project, a new E/E architecture for future vehicles has been developed in which adaptive systems ensure safe, reliable, and cost-effective mobility. The holistic approach provides the necessary foundation for future in-vehicle systems and its evaluation shows the great potential of such reliable and energy-efficient E/E architectures.
Publisher Copyright: © 2018, The Author(s).
Weiss , G , Schleiss , P , Drabek , C , Ruiz , A & Radermacher , A 2018 , Safe adaptation for reliable and energy-efficient E/E architectures . in SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology . 9783319574448 edn , SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology , no. 9783319574448 , Springer Verlag , pp. 1-18 .