Alonso, JuncalHuarte, MaiderArrieta, Leire Orue Echevarria2024-09-102024-09-102023Alonso , J , Huarte , M & Arrieta , L O E 2023 , ' ACSmI : a solution to address the challenges of cloud services federation and monitoring towards the cloud continuum ' , International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering , vol. 26 , no. 5 , pp. 537-554 . Copyright: Copyright © 2023 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.The evolution of cloud computing has changed the way in which cloud service providers offer their services and how cloud customers consume them, moving towards the use of multiple cloud services, in what it is called multi-cloud. Multi-cloud is gaining interest by the expansion of IoT, edge and the cloud continuum where distributed cloud federation models are necessary for effective application deployment and operation. This work presents advanced cloud service meta-intermediator (ACSmI), a solution that implements a cloud federation, supporting the seamless brokerage of cloud services. Technical details addressing the discovered shortcomings are presented, including a proof of concept built on JHipster, Java, InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana. ACSmI contributes to relevant elements of the European Gaia-X initiative, specifically to the federated catalogue, continuous monitoring, and certification of services. The experiments show that proposed solution effectively saves up to 75% of the DevOps teams’ effort to discover, contract and monitor cloud services.18enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessACSmI: a solution to address the challenges of cloud services federation and monitoring towards the cloud continuumjournal article10.1504/IJCSE.2023.133676CSBCSLADevOpscloud continuumcloud service brokercloud service discoverycloud service level agreementcloud service monitoringcloud services brokeragecloud services federationcloud services intermediationhybrid cloudmulti-cloudmulti-cloud service managementSoftwareModeling and SimulationHardware and ArchitectureComputational MathematicsComputational Theory and Mathematics