Ispizua, BegoñaDoncel, Josu2024-07-242024-07-242022-11Ispizua , B & Doncel , J 2022 , ' Analysis of the Refined Mean-Field Approximation for the 802.11 Protocol Model ' , Sensors , vol. 22 , no. 22 , 8754 . Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Mean-field approximation is a method to investigate the behavior of stochastic models formed by a large number of interacting objects. A new approximation was recently established, i.e., the refined mean-field approximation, and its high accuracy when the number of objects is small has been shown. In this work, we consider the model of the 802.11 protocol, which is a discrete-time model and show how the refined mean-field approximation can be adapted to this model. Our results confirm the accuracy of the refined mean-field approximation when the model with N objects is in discrete time.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAnalysis of the Refined Mean-Field Approximation for the 802.11 Protocol Modeljournal article10.3390/s22228754802.11 protocol modelrefined mean-field approximationAnalytical ChemistryInformation SystemsBiochemistryAtomic and Molecular Physics, and OpticsInstrumentationElectrical and Electronic Engineering