Rosado, G.García, J. C.2024-07-242024-07-242005Rosado , G & García , J C 2005 , ' Caracterización de armas antiguas. Las inclusiones testigos de calidad, proceso y origen ' , Revista de Metalurgia , vol. SPEC. VOL. , pp. 101-106 . work shows the possibility of using new techniques to characterise archaeological items, from weapons to common objects. To sum up, data from weapons manufactured in different ages are shown, from an Iberian "falcata", to a Mondragón sword and also a more actual anvil. Preliminary steps are carried out to start an analysis of base material origin according to existing inclusions and to relate this with origin mineral and slag dumps where they were processed.6spainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCaracterización de armas antiguas. Las inclusiones testigos de calidad, proceso y origenCharacterisation of ancient weapons. Inclusions as witnesses of quality, process and originjournal article10.3989/revmetalm.2005.v41.iextra.1006ArchaeometallurgyInclusionsFísica de la materia condensadaQuímica física y teóricaMetales y aleacionesQuímica de los materiales