RT Journal Article T1 Laboratory-scale study and semi-industrial validation of viability of inorganic CDW fine fractions as SCMs in blended cements A1 Moreno-Juez, J. A1 Vegas, Iñigo J. A1 Frías Rojas, M. A1 Vigil de la Villa, R. A1 Guede-Vázquez, E. AB The construction industry and more particularly cement manufacture industry are European Green Deal strategic priorities for the circularity of Europe’s construction and demolition waste (CDW) stream with a view to reducing CO2 emissions. The industry is engaged in a number of strategies to that end, one of which is to manufacture new low-carbon, lower clinker/cement ratio cements by replacing portland clinker with inorganic fractions of CDW featuring hydraulic or pozzolanic properties. Against the backdrop of that global challenge, the present study explores the cementitious potential of the limestone and siliceous concrete fines and shatterproof building glass found in CDW as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in new blended cements. The research was conducted in two stages: generation of new laboratory-scale knowledge; and industrial validation of the viability of using the highest volume waste streams. The laboratory-scale findings revealed that the presence of the filler effect and pozzolanicity in micronised inorganic fractions of concrete and building glass waste induces the neoformation of hydrated phases and C-S-H gel. Those two developments improve the short- and long-term physical and mechanical properties of the new blended cements at optimal replacement ratios of 5–7%. The order of material effectiveness in shortening setting times, increasing the heat of hydration and maintaining mechanical strength was observed to be as follows: limestone concrete > siliceous concrete > glass waste. Laboratory analysis was followed by a pilot study consisting in the manufacture of 184 t of blended cement in which 5% of the clinker was replaced by recycled concrete. Higher product performance than the commercial reference cement confirmed the industrial, technical, economic and environmental viability of the new product, estimated to hold potential for CO2 emissions abatement on the order of 41 kg CO2 eq./t of cement, which could translate into 80 Mt CO2 eq./year worldwide. SN 0950-0618 YR 2021 FD 2021-02-15 LA eng NO Moreno-Juez , J , Vegas , I J , Frías Rojas , M , Vigil de la Villa , R & Guede-Vázquez , E 2021 , ' Laboratory-scale study and semi-industrial validation of viability of inorganic CDW fine fractions as SCMs in blended cements ' , Construction and Building Materials , vol. 271 , 121823 , pp. 121823 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121823 NO Funding for this research was received from the following organi-sations: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities(MICIU) (RTI2018-097074-B-C21/22); Spanish National ResearchAgency (AEI); European Regional Development Fund (EU-ERDF);Asociación Española de Reciclaje de Residuos de Construcción y Demolición (RCDA), Sika (Madrid, Spain); Instituto Español delCemento y sus Aplicaciones (IECA).The paper was prepared as part of VEEP Project ‘Cost-Effective Recycling of C&DW in High Added Value Energy Efficient Prefabri-cated Concrete Components for Massive Retrofitting of our Built Environment’, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723582; as well as part of CINDERELA Project ‘New Circular Econ-omy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction’. Funding was also provided by the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 776751.The findings were also partially funded by the Regional Basque Government and the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (ERDF) under the HAZITEK (ZL-2019/00586) programme forsupport for private sector R&D. Supply of the recycled materials used in this study by the Gutram, Lasuen, Volbas, Tecrec, Salmedina and Casar Management treatment plants is gratefully acknowledged. The authors assume full responsibility for the views expressedin the paper and hold the European Commission harmless forany use that might be made of the information it contains. DS TECNALIA Publications RD 29 sept 2024