%0 Journal Article %A Picón-Ruiz, Artzai %A Echazarra-Huguet, Jone %A Bereciartua-Pérez, Arantza %T Reciclaje de chatarra electrónica: Nuevo algoritmo para su clasificación por imágenes hiperespectrales %D 2010 %@ 0012-7361 %U https://hdl.handle.net/11556/3676 %X Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) constitutes 4% of the municipal waste in Europe, being increased by 16 28% every five years. Nowadays, Europe produces 6.5 million tonnes of WEEE per year and currently 90% goes to landfill. WEEE waste is growing 3 times faster than municipal waste and this figure is expected to be increased up to 12 million tones by 2015. Applying a new technology to separate non-ferrous metal Waste from WEEE is the aim of this paper, by identifing multi-and hyper-spectral materials and inserting them in a recycling plant. This technology will overcome the shortcomings posed by current methods, which are unable to separate valuable materials very similar in colour, size or shape. For this reason, it is necessary to develop new algorithms able to distinguish among these materials and to face the timing requirements. %~