%0 Journal Article %A Baenas, Tomás %A Machado, Maider %T On the analytical calculation of the solar heat gain coefficient of a BIPV module %D 2017 %@ 1872-6178 %X A closed-analytical expression for the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of a glass-glass photovoltaic module forbuilding-integration is constructed ab initio, from the thermal study of the general case of any number of planarparallel layers with homogeneous absorption of solar radiation. By introducing the optical model of Baenas andMachado, the expressions for the SHGC of the opaque and transparent parts of the module will be provided. Thescope of the calculation and the assumed working hypothesis are in line with those of international standards formultiple glazing systems and building-integrated photovoltaic modules. The proposed model has been applied to a real case of study, showing an excellent agreement with the numerical and experimental related data. %~