RT Journal Article T1 Perception of affordance during short-term exposure to weightlessness in parabolic flight A1 Bourrelly, Aurore A1 McIntyre, Joseph A1 Morio, Cédric A1 Despretz, Pascal A1 Luyat, Marion AB We investigated the role of the visual eye-height (VEH) in the perception of affordance during short-term exposure to weightlessness. Sixteen participants were tested during parabolic flight (0g) and on the ground (1g). Participants looked at a laptop showing a room in which a doorway-like aperture was presented. They were asked to adjust the opening of the virtual doorway until it was perceived to be just wide enough to pass through (i.e., the critical aperture). We manipulated VEH by raising the level of the floor in the visual room by 25 cm. The results showed effects of VEH and of gravity on the perceived critical aperture. When VEH was reduced (i.e., when the floor was raised), the critical aperture diminished, suggesting that widths relative to the body were perceived to be larger. The critical aperture was also lower in 0g, for a given VEH, suggesting that participants perceived apertures to be wider or themselves to be smaller in weightlessness, as compared to normal gravity. However, weightlessness also had an effect on the subjective level of the eyes projected into the visual scene. Thus, setting the critical aperture as a fixed percentage of the subjective visual eye-height remains a viable hypothesis to explain how human observers judge visual scenes in terms of potential for action or "affordances". SN 1932-6203 YR 2016 FD 2016-04 LK https://hdl.handle.net/11556/3101 UL https://hdl.handle.net/11556/3101 LA eng NO Bourrelly , A , McIntyre , J , Morio , C , Despretz , P & Luyat , M 2016 , ' Perception of affordance during short-term exposure to weightlessness in parabolic flight ' , PLoS ONE , vol. 11 , no. 4 , e0153598 . https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0153598 NO Publisher Copyright: © 2016 Bourrelly et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. NO CM is employed by Decathlon, a commercial company. Decathlon provided no financial support to this project. There are no patents, products in development, or marketed products to declare. This does not alter the authors’ adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials. DS TECNALIA Publications RD 2 sept 2024