RT Journal Article T1 CHANGES IN OSTEOGENESIS BY HUMAN DENTAL PULP STEM CELLS ON PORCINE DECELLULARISED ADIPOSE TISSUE SOLID FOAMS OF DIFFERENT POROSITY A1 Luzuriaga, Jon A1 García-Urkia, Nerea A1 Salvador-Moya, Jone A1 Pardo-Rodríguez, Beatriz A1 Etxebarria, Iker A1 Fernandez-San-Argimiro, Francisco Javier A1 Olalde, Beatriz A1 Unda, Fernando A1 Pineda, Jose Ramon A1 Madarieta, Iratxe A1 Ibarretxe, Gaskon AB The extracellular matrix of white adipose tissue (AT) is a very promising biomaterial for tissue engineering, due to its abundance, easy accessibility, malleability, and proven biological activity. Decellularised AT (DAT) can be processed by freeze-drying in acetic acid solutions, and changing the DAT concentration in the solution gives rise to three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds of different stiffness and porosity. In a previous report, we demonstrated that human Dental Pulp Stem Cells (hDPSCs) could differentiate to osteoblasts and generate mineralised bone on 3D solid foams of porcine Decellularised Adipose Tissue (pDAT) at a concentration of 0.5 % (w/v). In this research work, we assessed whether and how osteogenesis by hDPSCs would be regulated by testing pDAT solid foams formulated at three different concentrations: 0.25 % (w/v), 0.5 % (w/v), and 1 % (w/v), which showed different stiffness, porosity and water retention properties. As a control condition we tested solid foams formulated with 0.5 % bovine Collagen-I. Thus, we performed Alkaline Phosphatase and Alizarin Red staining, together with Transmission Electron Microscopy and the detection of osteoblastic differentiation markers Osterix and Osteocalcin at both protein and transcript level, to compare the osteogenesis mediated by hDPSCs grown on all these 3D scaffolds, in the presence or absence of osteoblastic induction media. Our results demonstrate that pDAT at 0.25 % supported osteogenesis better than the rest of tested scaffolds, including bovine Collagen-I, in 3D hDPSC cultures. This enhanced osteogenesis could be attributed to the formulation of 0.25 % pDAT solid foams, which presented a higher porosity. SN 1473-2262 YR 2023 FD 2023-07-01 LA eng NO Luzuriaga , J , García-Urkia , N , Salvador-Moya , J , Pardo-Rodríguez , B , Etxebarria , I , Fernandez-San-Argimiro , F J , Olalde , B , Unda , F , Pineda , J R , Madarieta , I & Ibarretxe , G 2023 , ' CHANGES IN OSTEOGENESIS BY HUMAN DENTAL PULP STEM CELLS ON PORCINE DECELLULARISED ADIPOSE TISSUE SOLID FOAMS OF DIFFERENT POROSITY ' , European Cells and Materials , vol. 46 , pp. 119-137 . https://doi.org/10.22203/eCM.v046a06 NO Publisher Copyright: © 2023, AO Research Institute Davos. All rights reserved. NO Authors appreciate the kind technical assistance of Ricardo Andrade, Irene Fernández, and Alejandro Díez-Torre, staff members of the SGIKER service of Analytical Microscopy of UPV/EHU. Porosity analyses were performed by the Porous Solids Laboratory of the Central Research Support Services (SCAI) of the University of Malaga, Spain. This research was funded by the by the Basque Government (ELKARTEK program PLAKA KK-2019-00093, and Consolidated Research Groups IT1751-22) and the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 -Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-104766RB-C21). DS TECNALIA Publications RD 2 sept 2024