RT Journal Article T1 Intelligent Embedded Vision for Summarization of Multiview Videos in IIoT A1 Hussain, Tanveer A1 Muhammad, Khan A1 Ser, Javier Del A1 Baik, Sung Wook A1 De Albuquerque, Victor Hugo C. AB Nowadays, video sensors are used on a large scale for various applications, including security monitoring and smart transportation. However, the limited communication bandwidth and storage constraints make it challenging to process such heterogeneous nature of Big Data in real time. Multiview video summarization (MVS) enables us to suppress redundant data in distributed video sensors settings. The existing MVS approaches process video data in offline manner by transmitting them to the local or cloud server for analysis, which requires extra streaming to conduct summarization, huge bandwidth, and are not applicable for integration with industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). This article presents a light-weight convolutional neural network (CNN) and IIoT-based computationally intelligent (CI) MVS framework. Our method uses an IIoT network containing smart devices, Raspberry Pi (RPi) (clients and master) with embedded cameras to capture multiview video data. Each client RPi detects target in frames via light-weight CNN model, analyzes these targets for traffic and crowd density, and searches for suspicious objects to generate alert in the IIoT network. The frames of each client RPi are encoded and transmitted with approximately 17.02% smaller size of each frame to master RPi for final MVS. Empirical analysis shows that our proposed framework can be used in industrial environments for various applications such as security and smart transportation and can be proved beneficial for saving resources.11[Online]. Available: https://github.com/tanveer-hussain/Embedded-Vision-for-MVS. SN 1551-3203 YR 2020 FD 2020-04 LA eng NO Hussain , T , Muhammad , K , Ser , J D , Baik , S W & De Albuquerque , V H C 2020 , ' Intelligent Embedded Vision for Summarization of Multiview Videos in IIoT ' , IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics , vol. 16 , no. 4 , 8815938 , pp. 2592-2602 . https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2019.2937905 NO Publisher Copyright: © 2005-2012 IEEE. NO Manuscript received May 11, 2019; revised July 29, 2019; accepted August 7, 2019. Date of publication August 27, 2019; date of current version January 17, 2020. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (2019R1A2B5B01070067). Paper no. TII-19-1832. (Corresponding author: Sung Wook Baik.) T. Hussain and S. W. Baik are with Intelligent Media Laboratory, Digital Contents Research Institute, Sejong University, Seoul 143-747, South Korea (e-mail:,tanveer445@ieee.org; sbaik@sejong.ac.kr). DS TECNALIA Publications RD 28 sept 2024