%0 Journal Article %A Meléndez-Arranz, Antton %A Gutiérrez-Cañas Mateo, Cristina %T La medición rigurosa de emisiones brutas de partículas en la fusión de hierro como herramienta para su óptima gestión %D 2012 %@ 0012-7361 %U https://hdl.handle.net/11556/4183 %X In this article, the author is going to present the results of a large research project related to the particulate matter within the iron foundries melting shops. It was decided to analyze the raw emissions, in other words, emissions produced behind the fabric filters, in order to assure that obtained data could complete the available low quality databases for the foundry sector. After samplings and calculated amounts, the collected particles were analyzed and related to used raw materials and processes (the most common ones). Based on these results different and standardized emission factors will be proposed, justifying their usefulness or competitiveness improvement for foundries and taking into account environmental aspects. Additionally, these data are going to provide the manufacturers and designers of fabric filters who will find up in the results of this project the sufficient information for developing new techniques and devices in order to minimize the most critic and harmful particle fractions, where metals are present. %~