Quantifying the effect of trans-spinal magnetic stimulation on spinal excitability

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During the last decades, spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has attracted much attention due to its capability to modulate the motor and sensory networks. The potential of this technique has been proved, and several investigations have focused on applying it for restoring lower limb function. The majority of SCS approaches are based on electrical stimulation, and few studies have explored magnetic fields for non-invasive SCS. This paper presents a trans-spinal magnetic stimulation (ts-MS) protocol and studies its effects on spinal circuits with seven healthy subjects, considering central and peripheral nervous systems. Motor evoked potentials (MEP) and trans-spinal motor evoked potentials (ts-MEP) were assessed before and after the ts-MS intervention to characterize excitatory responses. After the intervention, we found an increase of almost 30% (not statistically significant) in MEP amplitude, but no changes in ts-MEP amplitude. Further research is required to confirm, in a larger population of subjects, the potential of this technology, which could be used to improve rehabilitation therapies for patients with motor disabilities.
Publisher Copyright: © 2019 IEEE.
Insausti-Delgado , A , Lopez-Larraz , E , Nishimura , Y , Birbaumer , N , Ziemann , U & Ramos-Murguialday , A 2019 , Quantifying the effect of trans-spinal magnetic stimulation on spinal excitability . in 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER 2019 . , 8717016 , International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER , vol. 2019-March , IEEE Computer Society , pp. 279-282 , 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER 2019 , San Francisco , United States , 20/03/19 . https://doi.org/10.1109/NER.2019.8717016