Teamwork assessment in the educational web of data: A learning analytics approach towards ISO 10018

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The Web of Data is an emerging research field that contributes to make better decisions because it gathers, combines and analyses different data sources available worldwide. Educational data is an interesting domain because it deals with the quality of the education itself and educational institutions which are common goals for every country. This paper is devoted to present how this idea has been used to improve a learning analytics tool. By means of this tool, teachers can perform teamwork competence assessment of a group of students taking into account how the individuals acquire the essential components of such competence. In this sense, authors use the Comprehensive Training Model of the Teamwork Competence in Engineering Domain (CTMTC) method to gather competence evidences and improve the system with a learning analytics tool to support the process. This tool is able to transform competence evidences and stores them in a competence ontology built upon ISO 10018 concepts. The final result is the production of educational results for the web of data.
Publisher Copyright: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd
Conde , M A , Colomo-Palacios , R , García-Peñalvo , F J & Larrucea , X 2018 , ' Teamwork assessment in the educational web of data : A learning analytics approach towards ISO 10018 ' , Telematics and Informatics , vol. 35 , no. 3 , pp. 551-563 .