The transformation of product development process into lean environment using set-based concurrent engineering: A case study from an aerospace industry

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
This article presents a transformation process towards lean product development in an aerospace industry. This transformation was achieved in two main stages: the first was to integrate the principles of set-based concurrent engineering into an existing product development model of an aerospace company. This stage included defining activities and associated tools. The second stage was to implement the developed model in a research-based industrial case study, a helicopter engine in this case. Three main outcomes were realised from this work. First, it presented an industrial case of lean transformation in product development, where the leanness of an existing model was enhanced by embedding set-based concurrent engineering principles. Second, the developed model was structured into a set of well-defined activities and associated tools that were previously scattered or redundant. Finally, the developed model was trialled in an industrial project of a helicopter engine, tested to evaluate its value in enhancing the innovation level and reducing risk. The work presented in this article focused on early stage system level design, and future work will extend the implementation of set-based concurrent engineering to sub-system and component levels.
Al-Ashaab , A , Golob , M , Attia , U M , Khan , M , Parsons , J , Andino , A , Perez , A , Guzman , P , Onecha , A , Kesavamoorthy , S , Martinez , G , Shehab , E , Berkes , A , Haque , B , Soril , M & Sopelana , A 2013 , ' The transformation of product development process into lean environment using set-based concurrent engineering : A case study from an aerospace industry ' , Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications , vol. 21 , no. 4 , pp. 268-285 .