Process intensification via membrane reactors, the DEMCAMER project

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This paper reports the findings of a FP7 project (DEMCAMER) that developed materials (catalysts and membranes) and new processes for four industrially relevant reaction processes. In this project, active, stable, and selective catalysts were developed for the reaction systems of interest and their production scaled up to kg scale (TRL5 (TRL: Technology Readiness Level)). Simultaneously, new membranes for gas separation were developed; in particular, dense supported thin palladium-based membranes for hydrogen separation from reactive mixtures. These membranes were successfully scaled up to TRL4 and used in various lab-scale reactors for water gas shift (WGS), using both packed bed and fluidized bed reactors, and Fischer-Tropsch (FTS) using packed bed reactors and in prototype reactors for WGS and FTS. Mixed ionic-electronic conducting membranes in capillary form were also developed for high temperature oxygen separation from air. These membranes can be used for both Autothermal Reforming (ATR) and Oxidative Coupling of Methane (OCM) reaction systems to increase the efficiency and the yield of the processes. The production of these membranes was scaled up to TRL3-4. The project also developed adequate sealing techniques to be able to integrate the different membranes in lab-scale and prototype reactors.
Publisher Copyright: © 2016 by the authors.
Gallucci , F , Medrano , J A , Roses , L , Brunetti , A , Barbieri , G & Viviente , J L 2016 , ' Process intensification via membrane reactors, the DEMCAMER project ' , Processes , vol. 4 , no. 2 , 16 .