Treatment and immobilization of low and intermediate level radioactive waste by plasma

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The thermal treatment of waste based on plasma technology allows the destruction of organics by a pyrolysis or air controlled process, and the introduction of the inorganic material into a molten pool. As a result, the new products tapped from the reactor are obtained with a significant volume reduction and with appropriate properties to be stored safety. Plasma technology permits the use of different gases at low flow. Consequently the process of organic oxidation can be controlled and compact equipment allows high productivity. Many countries have, or will have in the near future, a major problem in stocking these wastes in their existing installations. The proposed process is an alternative which reduces the volume of waste to be disposed of.
Múgica , J C , Aguirre , P , Alvarez-Mir , F , Del Río , S & Zuloaga , P 1999 , ' Treatment and immobilization of low and intermediate level radioactive waste by plasma ' , Paper presented at Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology (REWAS 1999) , San Sebastian , Spain , 5/09/99 - 9/09/99 pp. 839-847 .