Semantic-based Context Modeling for Quality of Service Support in IoT Platforms

Research Projects
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Journal Issue
The Internet of Things (IoT) envisions billions of devices seamlessly connected to information systems, thus providing a sensing platform for applications. The availability of such a huge number of smart things will entail a multiplicity of devices collecting overlapping data and/or providing similar functionalities. In this scenario, efficient discovery and appropriate selection of things through proper context acquisition and management will represent a critical requirement and a challenge for future IoT platforms. In this work we present a practical approach to model and manage context, and how this information can be exploited to implement QoS-aware thing service selection. In particular, it is shown how context can be used to infer knowledge on the equivalence of thing services through semantic reasoning, and how such information can be exploited to allocate thing services to applications while meeting QoS requirements even in case of failures. The proposed approach is demonstrated through a simple yet illustrative experiment in a smart home scenario.
Publisher Copyright: © 2016 IEEE.
Mingozzi , E , Tanganelli , G , Vallati , C , Martinez-Rodriguez , B , Mendia , I & Gonzalez-Rodriguez , M 2016 , Semantic-based Context Modeling for Quality of Service Support in IoT Platforms . in unknown . WoWMoM 2016 - 17th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks , IEEE , 17th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2016 , Coimbra , Portugal , 21/06/16 .