Strategy Development for the Manufacturing of Multilayered Structures of Variable Thickness of Ni-Based Alloy 718 by Powder-Fed Directed Energy Deposition

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In this study, a manufacturing strategy, and guidelines for inclined and multi-layered structures of variable thickness are presented, which are based on the results of an own-developed geometrical model that obtains both the coating thickness and dilution. This model is developed for the powder-fed directed energy deposition process (DED) and it only uses the DED single-track cladding characteristics (height, width, area, and dilution depth), the overlap percentage, and the laser head tilting-angle as inputs. As outputs, it calculates both the cladding geometry and the dilution area of the coating. This model for the Ni-based alloy 718 was improved, based on previous studies of the single clad working both vertically and at an inclined angle, adding the equations of the single clad characteristics with respect to the main process parameters. The strategy proposed in this paper for multilayered cladding consisted of both adding an extra clad at the edges of the layer and using a variable value of the overlap percentage between clads for geometric adaptations. With this strategy, the material deposition is more accurate than otherwise, and it shows stable growth. Manufacturing a multilayered wall of wider thicknesses at higher heights was utilized to validate the strategy.
Ramiro, Pedro, Mikel Ortiz, Amaia Alberdi, and Aitzol Lamikiz. “Strategy Development for the Manufacturing of Multilayered Structures of Variable Thickness of Ni-Based Alloy 718 by Powder-Fed Directed Energy Deposition.” Metals 10, no. 10 (September 24, 2020): 1280. doi:10.3390/met10101280