Progress in the understanding of soundscape: Objective variables and objectifiable criteria that predict acoustic comfort in urban places

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The overall aim of this research was to find a group of easy-to-access variables, that are measurable or assessable, and which help predict acoustic comfort in urban places, in order to make further progress in developing a soundscape indicator based on indices readily available in urban environments. Our main conceptual framework has been the Environmental Experience Model and the ISO of Soundscape, together with the most up-to-date information and technology, where parameters that influence the soundscape and comfort in urban public places have been identified. This work has been undertaken as part of the CITI-SENSE project. A viable technical and procedural solution was designed and tested in a field demonstration, where 53 people were engaged to provide 120 observationsinthe city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, using environmental sensors connected to a smartphone. The results were analysed and are discussed here with the aim of defining an indicator that permits an easy evaluation of acoustic comfort in urban places. The results presented in this article are considered a step forward in the development of a soundscape indicator based on indices readily available in urban environments. The limitations of the findings are also discussed, as are suggestions for further research.
Publisher Copyright: © 2016 K. Herranz-Pascual et al., published by De Gruyter Open.
Herranz-Pascual , K , García , I , Aspuru , I , Díez , I & Santander , Á 2016 , ' Progress in the understanding of soundscape : Objective variables and objectifiable criteria that predict acoustic comfort in urban places ' , Noise Mapping , vol. 3 , no. 1 , pp. 247-263 .