BEAGLE - A Kinematic Sensory System for Objective Hand Function Assessment in Technology-Mediated Rehabilitation

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We present a hand functions assessment system (BEAGLE) for kinematic tracking of hand and finger movements, envisioned as a technology-mediated rehabilitation tool. The system is custom-designed for fast and easy placement on an impaired hand (spastic or flaccid), featuring inertial sensors integrated into simple finger caps and a hand strap. An algorithm for a range of motion (ROM) estimation was implemented to provide an objective assessment of hand functions. The efficacy and feasibility of the BEAGLE system were examined in a pilot clinical study performed with ten stroke survivors in the subacute phase. Participants received therapy within two consecutive intensity-matched rehabilitation cycles. The first consisted of conventional therapy, while the second involved a combination of conventional therapy and advanced functional electrical stimulation. Assessments were performed before and after each phase. These included BEAGLE estimates of active voluntary ROM for wrist and various digits, as well as two referent clinical measures for hand functions assessment, Fugl-Meyer and Action Research Arm Test. The results indicate that the ROM assessments can detect change with sensitivity comparable to the standardized clinical scales. Statistically significant changes between the beginning and the end of the second cycle existed in all observed measures, whereas none of these measurements showed a statistically significant improvement in the first therapy cycle. The noted usability metrics indicate that the BEAGLE could be integrated into the rehabilitation workflow in a clinical environment.
Publisher Copyright: © 2001-2011 IEEE.
Malesevic , J , Kostic , M , Kojic , V , Dordevic , O , Konstantinovic , L , Keller , T & Strbac , M 2021 , ' BEAGLE - A Kinematic Sensory System for Objective Hand Function Assessment in Technology-Mediated Rehabilitation ' , IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering , vol. 29 , pp. 1817-1826 .