Study of NWP parameterizations on extreme precipitation events over Basque Country
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The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF), like other numerical models, can make use of several parameterization schemes. The purpose of this study is to determine how available cumulus parameterization (CP) and microphysics (MP) schemes in the WRF model simulate extreme precipitation events in the Basque Country. Possible combinations among two CP schemes (Kain–Fritsch and Betts–Miller–Janjic) and five MP (WSM3, Lin, WSM6, new Thompson and WDM6) schemes were tested. A set of simulations, corresponding to 21st century extreme precipitation events that have caused significant flood episodes have been compared with point observational data coming from the Basque Country Automatic Weather Station Mesonetwork. Configurations with Kain–Fritsch CP scheme produce better quantity of precipitation forecast (QPF) than BMJ scheme configurations. Depending on the severity level and the river basin analysed different MP schemes show the best behaviours, demonstrating that there is not a unique configuration that solve exactly all the studied events.
numerical weather prediction , extreme precipitation , basque country , numerical weather prediction , extreme precipitation , basque country , Funding Info , The authors would like to thank the 100–120 50 Emergencies and Meteorology Directorate – Security Department – Basque Government for public provision of data and operational service financial support. , The authors would like to thank the 100–120 50 Emergencies and Meteorology Directorate – Security Department – Basque Government for public provision of data and operational service financial support.
Gelpi , I R , Gaztelumendi , S , Carreño , S , Hernández , R & Egaña , J 2016 , ' Study of NWP parameterizations on extreme precipitation events over Basque Country ' , unknown , vol. unknown .