A Step towards A Robust Binder Jetting Technology: Process Parameter Optimization for 17-4PH Steel to Increase Powder Bed Homogeneity

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European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA)
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The inhomogeneity in properties of parts manufactured by Binder Jetting is one of the main concerns for the industrial adoption of the technology. It has been observed that parts manufactured in the same print-job present some deviations in density and dimensional accuracy. Therefore, the aim of this work is to develop a robust process parameter configuration for a commercial grade 17-4 PH stainless steel alloy. Sample parts were distributed along the build envelope to map the powder bed inhomogeneities. Then, through statistical analysis, the effect that different process parameters have over powder bed properties variations (green density, sintered density and dimensions) was studied. In summary, the present study throws some insight about the parameter effect in process homogeneity, allowing the optimization thereof and the reduction of properties variation, giving the opportunity to made great strides towards the industrial adoption of the technology.
Publisher Copyright: © European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA)
Lores , A , Azurmendi , N , Agote , I & Andrés , U 2020 , A Step towards A Robust Binder Jetting Technology : Process Parameter Optimization for 17-4PH Steel to Increase Powder Bed Homogeneity . in Proceedings - Euro PM2020 Congress and Exhibition . Proceedings - Euro PM2020 Congress and Exhibition , European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA) , European Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition, Euro PM 2020 , Virtual, Online , 5/10/20 .