End-to-end bioinspired lightweight structure manufacturing-oriented design, validation, and manufacturing with advanced methods

dc.contributor.authorBlanc, Ignacio Laraudogoitia
dc.contributor.authorDe Cortazar, Maider Garcia
dc.contributor.authorMata, Franck Girot
dc.contributor.editorMorales-Palma, Domingo
dc.contributor.editorMartínez-Donaire, Andrés J.
dc.contributor.editorBorrego, Marcos
dc.contributor.editorCenteno, Gabriel
dc.contributor.editorVallellano, Carpóforo
dc.descriptionPublisher Copyright: © 2023 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland.
dc.description.abstractIt is known that natural designs are more efficient and functionality-aimed than human designs. Historically, human beings have tried to mimic the way nature designs or the natural designs themselves. However, it turned out that it was usually too complex for the technology of the time. Today there exists the opportunity to mimic most natural designs due to advances in computational power and improvements in manufacturing methods. This can lead to a major weight reduction in the metallic components used, which is a key aspect in many engineering areas such as aerospace, automotive or energetic industries. This study shows how these bioinspired designs can improve designer experience-based designs in several ways i.e.: Mechanical behavior, part number reduction, weight reduction, etc. The components analyzed here will be metallic based on aluminum. It will be also shown the significance of the manufacturing-oriented design so the iteration times are reduced between the CAD and the CAM or the reduction of prototype manufacturing itself. Of course, these designs need to be validated mechanically via CAE and the CAM will also be used to avoid uncertainty during advanced manufacturing processes. Finally, the results of the real manufacturing process are going to be shown so the end-to-end cycle is complete.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by the ICME project, which has received funding from the Basque Government under the ELKARTEK Program (KK-2021/00022).
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
dc.identifier.citationBlanc , I L , De Cortazar , M G & Mata , F G 2023 , End-to-end bioinspired lightweight structure manufacturing-oriented design, validation, and manufacturing with advanced methods . in D Morales-Palma , A J Martínez-Donaire , M Borrego , G Centeno & C Vallellano (eds) , Selected peer-reviewed full text papers from the 10th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, MESIC 2023 . Advances in Science and Technology , vol. 132 AST , Trans Tech Publications Ltd , pp. 310-319 , 10th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, MESIC 2023 , Sevilla , Spain , 28/06/23 . https://doi.org/10.4028/p-cQyx0U
dc.publisherTrans Tech Publications Ltd
dc.relation.ispartofSelected peer-reviewed full text papers from the 10th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, MESIC 2023
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAdvances in Science and Technology
dc.relation.projectIDEusko Jaurlaritza, KK-2021/00022
dc.subject.keywordsDigital Manufacturing
dc.subject.keywordsEnergy (miscellaneous)
dc.subject.keywordsEngineering (miscellaneous)
dc.subject.keywordsEnvironmental Science (miscellaneous)
dc.subject.keywordsSDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
dc.titleEnd-to-end bioinspired lightweight structure manufacturing-oriented design, validation, and manufacturing with advanced methodsen
dc.typeconference output