Application of the methodology to assess quiet urban areas in Bilbao: Case pilot of QUADMAP

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OAL-Osterreichischer Arbeitsring fur Larmbekampfung
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The aim of LIFE + project QUADMAP is to propose a methodology for the selection, analysis and management of Urban Quiet Areas. Considering the study of the European state of art, a preliminary draft of instructions is done. The application of this guide in the pilot cases of the project will provide information to test and improve this methodology, which is the final result of the project. This communication presents the experience of the use of these instructions in one of the selected pilot cases in Bilbao: General Latorre square. The guide for the analysis of quiet urban areas is based in considering three complementary tools: expert analysis, sound measurements, and evaluation of perception through the application of questionnaires. The proposed methodology is devoted to provide useful information for the management of the area and its quietness. This objective implies more than reducing noise pollution and the exclusively consideration of the acoustic context of the place.
García , I , Aspuru , I , Herranz , K & Bustamante , M T 2013 , Application of the methodology to assess quiet urban areas in Bilbao : Case pilot of QUADMAP . in 42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2013, INTER-NOISE 2013 : Noise Control for Quality of Life . 42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2013, INTER-NOISE 2013: Noise Control for Quality of Life , vol. 6 , OAL-Osterreichischer Arbeitsring fur Larmbekampfung , pp. 4901-4909 , 42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2013: Noise Control for Quality of Life, INTER-NOISE 2013 , Innsbruck , Austria , 15/09/13 .