A critical literature survey and prospects on tampering and anomaly detection in image data

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Concernings related to image security have increased in the last years. One of the main reasons relies on the replacement of conventional photography to digital images, once the development of new technologies for image processing, as much as it has helped in the evolution of many new techniques in forensic studies, it also provided tools for image tampering. In this context, many companies and researchers devoted many efforts towards methods for detecting such tampered images, mostly aided by autonomous intelligent systems. Therefore, this work focuses on introducing a rigorous survey contemplating the state-of-the-art literature on computer-aided tampered image detection using machine learning techniques, as well as evolutionary computation, neural networks, fuzzy logic, Bayesian reasoning, among others. Besides, it also contemplates anomaly detection methods in the context of images due to the intrinsic relation between anomalies and tampering. Moreover, it aims at recent and in-depth researches relevant to the context of image tampering detection, performing a survey over more than 100 works related to the subject, spanning across different themes related to image tampering detection. Finally, a critical analysis is performed over this comprehensive compilation of literature, yielding some research opportunities and discussing some challenges in an attempt to align future efforts of the community with the niches and gaps remarked in this exciting field.
Publisher Copyright: © 2020 Elsevier B.V.
Image color analysis, Image forgery detection, Image splicing detection, Image tampering detection, Noise, Software
journal article
da Costa , K A P , Papa , J P , Passos , L A , Colombo , D , Ser , J D , Muhammad , K & de Albuquerque , V H C 2020 , ' A critical literature survey and prospects on tampering and anomaly detection in image data ' , Applied Soft Computing Journal , vol. 97 , 106727 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106727