UWB MAC and network solutions for low data rate with location and tracking applications

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The object of this paper is to present the main results achieved during the first fifteen months of the 6th framework European Union integrated research project PULSERS [1], regarding Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Medium Access Control (MAC) and network layer issues for low data rate with location and tracking (LDR-LT) applications. Various intended UWB system architectures and their key requirements and parameters are introduced. For such systems, potential MAC schemes and network solutions are illustrated and discussed. New ideas about wireless UWB access, synchronization, resource allocation, and topology management are also presented.
Giancola , G , Blazevic , L , Bucaille , I , De Nardis , L , Di Benedetto , M G , Durand , Y , Froc , G , Cuezva , B M , Pierrot , J B , Pirinen , P & Rinaldi , N 2005 , UWB MAC and network solutions for low data rate with location and tracking applications . in ICU 2005 : 2005 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, Conference Proceedings . , 1570083 , ICU 2005: 2005 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, Conference Proceedings , vol. 2005 , pp. 758-763 , ICU 2005: 2005 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband , Zurich , Switzerland , 5/09/05 .