SimBusters: Bridging Simulation Gaps in Intelligent Vehicles Perception

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Recent advances in automated vehicle technology rely heavily on simulated environments for training and testing. However, a significant challenge lies in bridging the gap between simulated and real-world scenarios, as discrepancies between these environments can affect the performance and reliability after that transition, especially in perception. Particularly, LiDAR sensors are highly affected in this matter due to disparities in pointcloud distribution and intensity. Therefore, this paper presents an innovative approach to bridge the gap between simulation and reality. For it, we test and validate a realistic LiDAR library, PCSim, within the CARLA simulator, providing an enhanced simulation environment. Our method involves integrating perception models, pre-trained on real-world datasets, in this environment. Then, we develop a Real2Sim domain adaptation method to transfer these models into the library, leveraging their performance. Finally, we evaluate the 3D object detection models in PCSim LiDARs to prove our methodology.We have assessed this proposal in PCSim, obtaining promising results in mitigating the simulation-reality gap. Our evaluations provide a guidance for future effective transition from virtual environments to real-world applications.
Publisher Copyright: © 2024 IEEE.
Justo , A , Araluce , J , Romera , J , Rodriguez-Arozamena , M , González , L & Díaz , S 2024 , SimBusters : Bridging Simulation Gaps in Intelligent Vehicles Perception . in 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2024 . IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , pp. 2471-2476 , 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2024 , Jeju Island , Korea, Republic of , 2/06/24 .